Friday, July 20, 2012

#202 Eggplant Parmesan Sandwich

This was soooo yummy! We picked our first eggplant from our garden this week. I knew I wanted to make this for dinner. I used Vegan Junkfood for the recipe. She makes the breaded eggplant and puts it on pizza. Mmmmm! Doesn't that sound good? I need to try it. I used it for the sandwich and it was amazing. I spread a little marinara on each layer of eggplant and sprinkled a little daiya mozzarella. I put it in the broiler to melt the cheese.

Yummy! Make it!


  1. I can't find the recipe

  2. The recipe is in the cookbook Vegan Junk Food by Lane Gold. We don't have permission to reprint the recipe. I recommend buying the book! It has so many yummy recipes! I added a link to buy the book to the post!
